Training Minutes: Victim Removal: High Point Change of Direction

Todd Taylor and the team share an option for using a ladder as a high point change of direction to remove a victim from out a window.
Rear door removal extrication

Extrication: Rear Door Removal and B Post Considerations

Dalan Zartman and Jason DeFosse examine some concerns for rear door removal when it comes to electric vehicle extrication.

Elevator Rescue: Down and Dirty Fall Arrest

Mike Dragonetti and company discuss a simple way of setting up a fall arrest/fall restraint system for removing trapped patients from the top of an elevator.
Firefighters remove hood from electric vehicle

Rapid Access and Extrication on EVs

Jason DeFosse and company demonstrate how to rapidly gain access under the hood of an electric vehicle and to a patient trapped in the driver's seat.
Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Removing a victim from a window

Training Minutes: Victim Removal from Window

Todd Taylor and company demonstrate a twin-tension system that can be set up with minimal equipment and staffing to remove a victim via a window.
Firefighter searches a room VES

Training Minutes: VES: Room Search

Eric Dreiman and company review several fundamentals when it comes to searching a room during vent-enter-search (VES) operations.
Door control and VES Training Minutes

Training Minutes: Door Control and VES

Eric Dreiman and company emphasize the need for firefighters to control the door during vent-enter-search ops.
Vent enter search making entry

Training Minutes: VES: Making Entry

Eric Dreiman and company review taking a window and size-up prior to making entry during vent-enter-search operations.
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