A telephone, whether wireline or wireless, can be a person’s lifeline in an emergency. Technological advancements have made wireless phones popular and, consequently, more widely used for calling 9-1-1.1 According to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), 86 million wireless subscribers placed almost 43.3 million wireless 9-1-1 and distress calls during 1999-about one call every 1.37 seconds.2


When an emergency is called in to 9-1-1 over a wireless phone, operators cannot automatically determine the caller’s location. An example of this occurred in April 1999 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A driver spent nearly two hours talking to a 9-1-1 operator from his wireless phone after his car ran off the road into a ditch. He died before rescue personnel could locate him. Statistics show that an estimated 40 percent of callers using wireless phones to call 9-1-1 during 1999 could not tell the dispatcher their locations.

In an effort to facilitate caller location, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), in 1996, ruled that wireless carriers must install technologies that will make it possible to locate callers dialing 9-1-1 from wireless phones.

Under the rules of Phase I (implemented by April 1, 1998), a carrier was supposed to provide the dispatcher with only the caller’s 10-digit number [Automatic Number Identification (ANI)] and the location of the nearest base station or cell site location.

On September 15, 1999, the FCC adopted new rules for wireless E9-1-1 Phase II requirements, whereby 9-1-1 dispatchers will know more precisely the location of a caller using a wireless phone, even if the caller is unable to speak, is disoriented, or does not know his location. The objective of Phase II is to reduce delays in locating the caller and/or dispatching the nearest rescue personnel to the caller’s location by way of Automatic Location Identification (ALI).

The FCC also directed wireless carriers to report their Phase II E9-1-1 implementation plans, including which ALI solution-a handset- or network-based solution (described below), or both-they had selected for implementation by October 1, 2000.

The information contained in each carrier’s report will then allow public safety organizations, manufacturers, and other parties to plan for the implementation of Phase II by October 1, 2001. Phase-in periods have been provided for each of the two solution technologies.3

Solution Technologies

The technology options for determining the location of a caller using a wireless phone available to wireless carriers, as noted above, are handset- and network-based systems.

  • Handset-based technology. This solution, which uses a form of global positioning system (GPS) technology in the handset, will have a 50 meter (164 feet) accuracy for 67 percent of calls and 150 meter (492 feet) accuracy for 95 percent of the calls. A caller’s location, with the use of a GPS receiver, can be more precisely determined. The infrastructure for deploying this solution is virtually in place; some 24 geostationary satellites are already in orbit.

Carriers choosing this solution are to begin selling and activating ALI handsets by March 1, 2001. Fifty percent of all new handsets are to be ALI-capable by October 1, 2001; at least 95 percent of all new digital handsets must be ALI-capable by October 1, 2002. Carriers who selected the handset-based solution must make every effort to have 100 percent of their handsets in their total subscriber base ALI-compatible no later than December 31, 2004. There has been some discussion about retrofitting existing wireless phones with enhanced battery packs containing ALI technology instead of providing existing subscribers with new handsets with the technology built in.

The handset-based technology would necessitate having only one cellular tower site in a given area.

  • Network-based technology. This solution uses the existing cellular network to determine the location of the signal. It has a 100 meter (328 feet) accuracy for 67 percent of calls and 300 meters (984 feet) for 95 percent of calls.

A wireless phone mounted in an apparatus, next to the department’s radio and other communication equipment. It is mounted away from the driver’s seat to make it less likely that the driver will use the phone while the apparatus is moving.

A caller’s location can be determined by using current subscribers’ existing phones. It will not be necessary to replace or modify all the handsets already in use by the carrier. The infrastructure of this solution is also virtually in place: The existing cellular network consisting of some 80,000 cells sites and a multitude of base stations can be used, after the stations have been upgraded with network-based technology.

Carriers who chose this solution are to deploy Phase II to 50 percent of callers within six months of a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) request and to 100 percent of callers within 18 months of a PSAP request. PSAPs are staffed by professionals trained to assist callers in need of emergency assistance and to direct calls to appropriate rescue personnel. No relative completion dates are believed to be associated with this type of solution. Two or four cell towers would be needed in a given area for this technology to be applied.


“Selective retry,” an optional feature on new analog wireless phones manufactured after February 13, 2000, was part of the FCC’s revised and adopted rules for wireless 9-1-1 (May 13, 1999). The handset has a button dedicated to routing 9-1-1 calls (this option can be used also with other 9-1-1 calling modes, such as digital). The dedicated button is identified on the keypad as a red number “9” or “1.” When a 9-1-1 call is placed, the handset attempts to connect the caller with the preferred carrier. If the preferred carrier cannot complete the call or if the caller is not satisfied with the clarity of the connection, the call will be interrupted. The caller can then push the dedicated 9-1-1 button again, and the handset will attempt to connect with a different carrier.

Firefighters must be aware of the tripping hazards such equipment may pose and, on arrival on the roof, they should make the incident commander aware that such equipment is present there.

This improvement should increase a wireless analog phone’s reliability for reaching emergency help and can save seconds in life-threatening situations. Only one button has to be pushed (and held for up to two seconds) to place a 9-1-1 call.


A wireless phone may be advantageous for the fire service in the following ways:

  • Alternative “private.” If your dispatcher does not have the ability to scramble a transmission over the department radio frequency so others cannot hear the conversation between you and the dispatcher, a wireless phone can afford you this option.
  • Another line of communication. If you need to contact another agency, a business in the private sector (bulk fuel carrier to clean up a spill, for example), or even the dispatcher’s office when the department or two-way radio frequency is flooded with transmissions at a large-scale incident (such as at a high-rise fire), a wireless phone can be the solution.
  • Public information officer (PIO). No PIO should be without a wireless phone at an incident, particularly at incidents at which the PIO must contact local radio stations to issue a report about an evacuation in progress or the closure of one or more primary streets during rush hour.


  • Locating a disoriented or unconscious caller in a high-rise building with a handset- or network-based solution. There is currently no requirement to provide altitude information about the caller, meaning that it could be difficult to locate an unconscious caller in a 50-story building or a multilevel parking garage. Therefore, it’s most important to gather as much information from the caller without delay.
  • Dead-air/no-response calls on the rise. Already, it appears that the one-button 9-1-1 feature is fast becoming a growing nuisance for dispatchers. The number of dead-air or no-response calls appears to be on the rise. For example, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the wireless 9-1-1 false call rate is estimated to be roughly 40 to 50 percent. Although it varies, a 9-1-1 dispatcher will spend about 30 seconds to two minutes to make sure the call is not an emergency. In doing so, it could delay response in a real emergency.

It’s believed that many people do not realize that their new phone has the one-button 9-1-1 connect feature; therefore, a 9-1-1 call could unintentionally be placed by bumping the dedicated key inadvertently or holding the key down too long as part of dialing another number. The peak times for this type of call appear to be during the afternoon, when people are most active and moving around.

Possible solutions range from turning off the phone when not in use to using a protective hard plastic cover to protect the keypad and disconnecting the one touch 9-1-1 feature through an override.

  • Wireless calls being dropped or blocked during public emergencies. To offset concern that wireless calls might be dropped or blocked during public emergencies, New York state legislators introduced a bill that would give the state’s fire and police personnel priority use on overloaded networks. This could be achieved by local carriers’ installing priority codes in the handsets used by such personnel. This type of proposal has been stalled in the U.S. Congress because of industry opposition, but it may gain strength if the bill passes in New York. It’s currently undetermined how often emergency calls get blocked or dropped.

  • Security of transmissions. Although technology has come a long way, members of the fire service still need to beware of “hackers” who could listen in on wireless phone conversations. Therefore, if the security of a transmission is of vital importance, consider locating and using a wireline phone for that call.
  • Tripping hazard on rooftops. As opposed to erecting a tower, wireless carriers may place their antennas on the rooftop of a selected tall building in a given area. It’s not uncommon to find several antennas on a particular rooftop. Along with the antennas, carriers will install conduit piping mounted on or close to the roof’s surface-possibly right in front of the bulkhead door. This increases the tripping hazard while operating on a roof, particularly at night. If you encounter this equipment, use caution, move slowly, and announce over the radio that this equipment is present.
  • Motor vehicle accidents on the rise. One study suggests that 39 percent of drivers use a wireless phone to summon help after a collision. Another study suggests that a driver who uses a car phone more than 50 minutes a month is five times more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle accident than a driver who uses it less often, or not at all. The wireless phone appears to be a distraction to drivers, who may be searching for or picking up a dropped phone, responding to a phone call, and talking on the phone. Tasks associated with a car phone, such as taking notes or referencing a calendar, are also contributing factors to motor vehicle accidents. One study suggests that hands-free models have not proven to be safer than handheld models. To reduce the chance of a collision, an option such as voice dialing may help, but perhaps the only “safe” option is for motorists to use a wireless phone when parked. When driving to or from the scene of an emergency, be alert for drivers who may be using a wireless phone.

The wireless phone is fast becoming a part of everyday life, and citizens are using it more often to report emergencies. As technology evolves, it will become a more effective device for increasing consumer safety and emergency responder effectiveness.


  1. The emergency number “9-1-1” was first introduced for wireline (landline) phones in 1968. In the Fall of 1986, the wireless industry introduced free 9-1-1 service. More recently, on October 26, 1999, President Clinton signed Senate Bill S. 800, which officially made 9-1-1 the universal emergency number in the United States. Although there are still areas in the United States without wireless 9-1-1 service, the 9-1-1 designation will apply to both wireless and wireline phones. It’s estimated that currently 96 percent of the geographic United States and almost 93 percent of the U.S. population are covered by some type of 9-1-1 service.
  2. At press time, the CTIA estimate of U.S. wireless subscribers grew to 101,865,576.
  3. Editor’s note: The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International, Inc., will launch a wireless Phase II implementation project (38) that will help the nation’s Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) request these services. According to APCO President Joe Hanna, Project 38 “will help PSAPs to become Phase II-ready and will remove the carriers’ argument that PSAPs will not ask for Phase II.” Project 38 committee members had not yet been appointed at press time. Additional information may be obtained from Cindy Lorow of APCO at (904) 322-2500, ext. 234, or on the Web at [email protected].

HARRY J. OSTER is a 13-year veteran of the Fire Department of New York, where he is assigned to Ladder 49 in the South Bronx. He has an associate’s degree in fire protection technology. He instituted the position of public information officer at the Spring Valley (NY) Fire Department, where he voluntarily served in that position.

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