What We Learned



On March 30, 2000, Paterson (NJ) Fire Department Rescue 1 responded to a report of a man hit by and pinned under a New Jersey Transit (NJT) bus. On arrival, we observed a large number of EMS personnel, police, NJT employees, and onlookers crowding the scene. Numerous people were under the bus comforting and helping the 81-year-old victim, who was apparently still alive.

Rescue personnel preparing to extricate the pinned victim. The air bag is hooked up and ready for postioning but not inflated. Under the front of the bus, two paramedics attend to the victim. A stretcher and backboard are ready for victim extrication. (Photo by Firefighter John Mandara, Paterson NJ FD)

The victim was positioned facedown under the center of the front axle with his head facing the front of the bus. The axle had passed over his lower limbs and was pinning him by his shoulder blades. Since he was pinned by the bus’s front axle and not by the undercarriage, we determined that we needed to lift the vehicle from a point on the axle. After the initial size-up, Captain Edward Olszewski of Rescue 1 called for the air bags and cribbing.


Olszewski and I hooked up the air bag system while other members of Rescue 1 and additional fire personnel on-scene chocked the wheels and placed cribbing under the bus. Using numerous 2 2 4, 4 2 4, and 8 2 8 pieces, members placed cribbing under the bus in front of the front wheels on both sides and in front of and behind the two rear axles on both sides.

The victim has been extricated and is being treated by medical personnel on the scene. Rescue personnel are removing support cribbing and air bags from under the bus. (Photo by Firefighter John Mandara, Paterson NJ FD)

At the request of the victim’s nephew, the bus driver had shut the engine off before our arrival. Shutting off the engine can affect the air suspension system if the vehicle is so equipped, depending on the design and make of the bus. Fortunately, this was not the case with this vehicle. Our first priority, therefore, was to crib the vehicle.

The next step was locating a proper lifting point. The front axle had two cross braces that attached it to the bus chassis. The cross braces had a large enough amount of surface area for use as a lifting point. The air bag system we used had two air bags that could be inflated independently of each other from the same source. We positioned an air bag with a 13-ton lifting capacity under the axle cross bracing on the passenger side of the bus. This particular bus weighed approximately 13 tons. We used the larger bag first because it would give us the highest amount of lift during the elevation process. A second bag, with an 11-ton lifting capacity, was positioned under the axle cross bracing on the driver’s side but not inflated. It was kept in reserve to provide additional lifting power and stability if needed. We positioned additional personnel at the cribbing locations to add cribbing as the air bags lifted the bus.

As we filled the air bag, it easily lifted the bus straight up-the second bag did not need to be inflated. This situation required the bus to be raised only about three inches. Advanced life support members then dragged out the man in a rapid extrication fashion and log-rolled him onto a backboard. This occurred only about four minutes after first arrival. The victim’s injuries were relatively minor-a broken nose, cuts, bruises, and abrasions. He was in far better shape than we had expected.


We were all relieved that the extrication had reached a successful conclusion. Suddenly, the inflated air bag burst, sending a minor shockwave throughout the nearby area. Everyone was out from underneath the bus at this point, and I was in the process of removing some cribbing. The rupture caused the bus to drop slowly onto the cribbing. Somehow, however, the bag still held some air. We then knocked the cribbing out of the way with pike poles, allowing the air bag to hold the weight of the bus. We then bled the air bag system and placed the bus back on the ground. We noticed afterward that some of the cribbing showed minor damage but was still usable.

After a careful inspection of the air bag postincident, we discovered a two-inch tear along the seam of the outer bag near the hose connector. The bag was still able to hold air in the inner bladder. The inner bladder must have had a slow leak, which caused pressure to build up between the outer and inner bags. This pressure eventually caused the outer bag to rupture; the inner bladder still held air because the air leak was so minor. The air bags had been used in the past to lift apparatus during company drills without any problems. The damaged bag was removed from service.


  • Cribbing played a critical role in this incident. Inspect cribbing before and after each use, and remove damaged cribbing from service. A reserve of cribbing for large-scale incidents should be available.
  • Regularly inspect and test air bags and all equipment. In this case, the bag defect was not visible. Contact bag and equipment manufacturers for testing information and procedures.
  • Study the various features on vehicles you might encounter in a rescue situation. In this bus extrication, shutting off the bus engine did not affect the vehicle’s suspension system.
  • Educate bus drivers about the implications of their actions in rescue extrication incidents. Shutting off the engine could potentially impinge on rescue operations. Drivers should, however, also consider the dangers to victims and personnel involving vehicle components (e.g., running engine, hot exhaust).
  • Anticipate possible safety problems at the scene, and keep personnel a safe distance from the vehicle.

R. CAMERON GARDNER has been a firefighter with the Paterson (NJ) Fire Department for five years and is currently assigned to Engine Company 6/Rescue 1. He has an associate’s degree in fire science from Passaic County Community College and will receive a bachelor’s degree in fire science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York in May 2001.



Recently, the Waldwick (NJ) Fire Department responded to a request for assistance at the scene of an entrapment involving an individual who had become wedged under the rear wheels of a loaded garbage truck. Apparently, a sanitation worker had fallen under the tandem set of wheels on the rear passenger side of the vehicle. EMS units, including paramedics, were also dispatched to the scene. A medical helicopter was called in anticipation of taking him to a trauma center.

The tandem set of wheels under which the victim was pinned. (Photo by author)

On arrival, firefighters noted that the victim was positioned at a right angle to the tandem wheels on the passenger side. His head and upper torso were exposed. His mid-section was pinned on the pavement between the front and rear sets of tandem wheels-a total of four tires resting on his body. His left leg was positioned on the top of the tires (see illustration).

Firefighters quickly began stabilizing the vehicle and determining the best method of removing the victim. It was decided that it would be most expeditious to use high-pressure air bags to lift the truck off the victim.

As the cribbing and bags were gathered, we assessed the situation to establish the best lifting point. It became apparent that lifting the axle under either of the individual sets of tandem wheels (front or rear set) would only lift that particular pair of tires and not all four wheels together. We decided the best lifting point for the rescue was the pumpkin-shaped differential, located close to the passenger side of the vehicle where the victim was trapped. This would be close enough to the victim to lift that section of the truck.

The underside of the rear set of wheels on the passenger side, showing the lifting area. Note the drain plug on the bottom side of the differential. (Photo by author)

One problem presented itself, however. At the bottom of the differential, a drain plug was protruding a few inches below the differential itself. It was obvious that this plug could tear through an air bag pressing against it. A “cushion” had to be placed between the bag and the plug.

Plywood was ruled out, since it might crack or split and cause the plug to possibly puncture the air bag under it. Wide pieces of thicker dimensional lumber were not readily available. The best option available was to use a small “sacrificial” five-ton air bag to provide the necessary puncture barrier.

The crib was built of 4 2 4 dimensional lumber. The bottom layers were laid in typical crib fashion, with individual pieces alternating direction. The top layer was a continuous layer of 4 2 4s laid side by side to form a completely flat surface free of openings.

A 32-ton air bag was placed on top of the cribbing; followed by a 22-ton bag; and, finally, the sacrificial bag, directly under the differential plug. We inflated the two lower bags and removed the victim. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries.

After the incident, we examined the five-ton bag. The outer surface of the bag was heavily damaged, necessitating its removal from service. It was not repairable and was later replaced.


  • Victims of entrapment are often located in peculiar positions and in areas that are difficult to access. In this case, rescuers had to find a lifting location near the victim as well as one that would lift the appropriate portion of the vehicle.
  • The sacrificial bag did its job-the bag underneath was unharmed. Such sacrificial bags should have their hose connection cut off and be kept and marked for future use as cushions in similar situations.
  • Loaded garbage trucks are heavy- remember this when considering air bag purchases for your response district. Sanitation vehicles are present in virtually every U.S. locality.
  • The appropriate level of EMS response should be sent to the scene immediately for incidents of this type. This includes medical personnel trained in “crush syndrome.” Unfortunately, even with trained individuals and the necessary equipment, crush victims can still succumb to their injuries.

GLENN P. CORBETT, P.E., is a professor of fire science at John Jay College in New York City, a technical editor of Fire Engineering, and a captain with the Waldwick (NJ) Fire Department. He previously held the position of administrator of engineering services with the San Antonio (TX) Fire Department. Corbett has a master’s degree in fire protection engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. He authored two chapters on fire prevention/protection in The Fire Chief’s Handbook, Fifth Edition (Fire Engineering Books, 1995). Corbett has been in the fire service since 1978.

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