Smoke Detector

Smoke Detector

Here’s a good case for smoke detectors, despite a less than adequate placement: George Mowery of Boise, Idaho purchased a smoke detector at a local discount house because it was on sale and the manufacturer was offering a $5 rebate. He promptly stuffed the device, still in its box, inside a linen closet.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Advanced Arson Seminar, Jan. 28-Feb. 1, sponsored by the Denver Fire Department. For information, contact Lt. James D. Persichitte or Investigator Donald E. Searcy, Denver Fire Department, 745 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. 80204. Arizona State University Arson Investigation Courses: Basic, Jan. 21-Feb. 1; Advanced, Feb. 4-8.
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Breath Analyzer Kit—A data sheet describing the MiniCO breath analyzer kit for estimating concentrations of carbon monoxide in the blood is available from Mine Safety Appliances Company. The MiniCO estimates carboxyhemoglobin levels by measuring the concentration of CO in breath (alveolar air).

Water Application Rate Of Your First-In Pumper

With enough time, manpower and pumpers, it’s no big deal to eventually pump all the water available in a hydrant system supplying the fireground. Unfortunately, when this amount of fire flow is used, you have a tremendous loss on your record. Ironically, most fire fighters can tell you the capacity of their pumper, but few can tell you the maximum water application rate of their engine company in the first three to five minutes on the fireground.

Designing Improved Helmet Starts With Performance Criteria, Testing

As the members of the research and development department of Cairns & Brother, Inc., began design designing an improved municipal fire service helmet, two federal specifications were developed that influenced their work. The R&D people had as their goal a helmet that would exceed current OSHA standards and reach new levels of protection, reliability and comfort.



Administrative Problems Discussed At IAFC Conference in Kansas City

Administrative problems in such areas as arson, legal responsibilities, labor negotiations and productivity were featured in discussions at the 106th annual conference of the International Association of Fire Chiefs at Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 16-19. The repression of arson is to be a priority with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and “the rest of the federal government” will give full support to the United States Fire Administration (USFA) plan of action, declared John W. Macy, Jr., FEMA director.