The Round Table

The Round Table

Michael J. Sample, Chief, Livermore, Calif.: I found the course that I attended at the National Fire Academy to be one of the most beneficial courses and one of the most organized courses, with some of the best people instructing the courses, that I have ever attended. To spend two weeks away from home and still enjoy the course speaks for itself.

Volunteers Use TV to Make Training More Extensive

It’s time to look again at video equipment for training purposes. A few years ago a color video camera and recorder would have been too expensive for almost all fire department, especially volunteers. Now, cost-cutting technological advances have improved performance and put the price of such equipment within reach of many more departments.

Large Japanese City Has Few Fires; Citizens Active in Fire Safety Effort

Imagine a city of almost 1.5 million residents having only 216 fires all year! Kyoto, in Japan, can boast of this enviable record for 1980 because of thorough fire prevention and suppression programs that reach almost every person. Kyoto, the ancient capital, spreads over 235 square miles in southwestern Japan and includes a large forested area in mountainous terrain.

5-Alarm Fire Destroys Roundhouse in Cincinnati

It took nearly 100 fire fighters from 21 Cincinnati fire companies about an hour and a half to bring under control a predawn five-alarm blaze which destroyed the 80-year-old Chessie System’s Baltimore and Ohio roundhouse last Nov. 18. Confusion about the address and resulting dispatching delays, combined with freezing temperatures and a BOCA code grandfather clause permitting the building to be 400 feet from the nearest fire hydrant, added up to make this a particularly difficult battle for fire fighters.
Tear Gas Prank in Busy Restaurant Triggers incident That Yields Lessons

Tear Gas Prank in Busy Restaurant Triggers incident That Yields Lessons

A tear gas canister set off by a prankster at a crowded Halloween party tested the emergency medical service capabilities and communications system of the Fairfax City, Va., Fire and Rescue Service. The scene of the incident was a below-grade, fully sprinklered restaurant filled to capacity with 210 people.

Fitness Efforts Based on Fire Tasks

A physical fitness program built around realistic fireground evolutions has been initiated for recruits in the San Jose, Calif., Fire Department. Believing that many injuries to fire fighters can be directly attributed to poor physical condition, the department stresses the safety aspects of fitness.
Advanced Degree Grant

Advanced Degree Grant

Connecticut General Insurance Corporation has announced a $100,000 grant to the Worcester Polytechnic Institute to assist in the development of the nation’s first advanced degree program in fire protection engineering. According to a recent survey by the Society for Fire Protection Engineers, at least 5000 practitioners in fire protection will be needed by the United States over the next five years.