Five Fall in Hackensack

On July 1, 1988, five veteran firefighters were trapped and killed under a pile of auto parts and collapsed roof, ceiling, and truss assemblies.
Amendment would presume liability of fire equipment manufacturers

Amendment would presume liability of fire equipment manufacturers

An amendment to a federal product liability bill would force fire clothing and equipment manufacturers to prove their products met Occupational Health and Safety Administration fire brigade standards, should an incident involving the product result in death or injury. If a firefighter was severely burned while wearing a turnout coat and sued the manufacturer, it would be up to the manufacturer to prove that the garment met the OSHA (or more stringent state) standards.


EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR Thomas F. Brennon MANAGING EDITOR William A. Manning ASSISTANT EDITOR Sheila Smith Noonon CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Gene Carlson Paul McFadden Frank L. Fire Vincent Dunn


SUCCESSFUL INTERIOR fire attack must include good ventilation techniques Ventilation is the planned and systematic removal of hot gases and smoke with replacement by fresh air. It has many advantages Maximum effectiveness is thought to occur when the ventilation and fire attack operations are coordinated with hoselines in readiness before ventilation is initiated.


October 21-23 The DOCTORS FOR DEFENSE PREPAREDNESS AND THE AMERICAN CIVIL DEFENSE ASSOCIATION'S SEMINAR/CONFERENCE win be held in Salt Lake City. It will include presentations by strategic defense analysts, survival proponents, medical authorities, nuclear research experts, and advocates of national security.

Dangers of Overhauling

“I WANT THAT TIN ceiling opened!” the captain says to his firefighters. Three grimy and soot-covered firefighters, inside what remains of a burned-out tavern, begin the difficult task of pulling down an ornamental tin ceiling to search for hidden fire smoldering in the ceiling space above. With the Z-end of a metal multihook, a firefighter punches up the tin ceiling near a seam, creating a split between two sections.


BENZENE IS A carcinogenic, flammable, toxic, clear, colorless, volatile liquid with a familiar aromatic odor. It’s used as a solvent for rubber and other polymeric materials and replaced tetraethyl lead as an additive in unleaded gasolines. It’s also an intermediate or raw material in the manufacture of detergents, dyes, explosives, pesticides, plastics, and many other chemicals.It was the sixteenth highest chemical in volume produced in the United States in 1985.