Kevin Shea WTC bombing rescue 1993

1993 World Trade Center Bombing: At the Bottom of the Crater

Kevin Shea's recounting of his rescue in the 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City.

The Rescue of Firefighter Kevin Shea

In this archive piece, read about one of the dramatic moments during the 1993 response to the bombing of the World Trade Center.


The thermal imaging camera was developed in the 1980s by engineers from Great Britain. The system is based on a concept called the “pyroelectric effect.” In simpler terms, this means die camera can pick up minute variations in the electrical polarization of an object resulting from the difference in temperature between it and die objects around it.

EMS Response to the Explosion

The detonation of the terrorists’ bomb under the World Trade Center (WTC) complex on February 26, 1993, created the largest technological disaster New York City had ever experienced. The bombing also initiated the most significant emergency medical service (EMS) response in the city’s history.

“Above-Grade Tactics and Procedures for Search, Rescue, and Evacuation”

Since the elevator service in the WTC was knocked out of commission almost immediately, the stairways became the main means of egress for anyone trapped in the complex. At this point, firefighters’ primary concern was for the safe evacuation of all civilians from the towers.

Protecting Buildings Against Terrorism

Although the probability of a terrorist attack is low, the cost of such an attack can be extremely high, as the incident at the World Trade Center (WTC) shows. In that case, the tally included lost rent for an extended period, relocation costs for tenants,

Search Tactics and Procedures Below Grade

As the fire was being controlled and the extent of the explosion became clear. Rescue Co. 3. FDNY s primary building collapse unit, was assigned to search the massive destruction caused by the bombing. A tremendous amount of crushing debris had been caused by both the explosion