Determining the Fire’s Point of Origin: Beyond the Obvious

Determining the Fire’s Point of Origin: Beyond the Obvious

THE AVERAGE FIRE INVESTIGATOR WILL INVESTIGATE at a minimum hundreds of fires during his career.
SCBA Use During Overhaul

SCBA Use During Overhaul

QUESTION: SCBA policies define the required use of SCBAs at fires. During the overhaul phase, when, if at all, are your firefighters allowed to remove their SCBA protection?
JET-X Foam

JET-X Foam

BUILDING 100 IS A 104,000-square-foot aircraft hangar at Griffiss Air Park in Rome, New York.
Command Position

Command Position

THE TACTICAL DECISIONS WE make and the operational actions we take must be based on sound and accurate information gathered and exchanged among the team members on the three basic organizational levels-task, tactical, and strategic.
Fire Is the Real Terrorist

Fire Is the Real Terrorist

I STOOD THERE IN FULL UNIFORM, staring at flag-draped coffins, nine of them this time, hearing the solemn tunes of taps being played, listening to the sobs, watching countless tissues dab eyes-a sight akin to thousands of waving white flags.
APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Santa Rosa, CA Fire Department operates five FERRARA pumpers

APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Santa Rosa, CA Fire Department operates five FERRARA pumpers

The Santa Rosa (CA) Fire Department operates five FERRARA pumpers and one rescue truck.
Procurement: Buyer Beware

Procurement: Buyer Beware

PROCURING EQUIPMENT OF any type has many pitfalls. In the private sector, when a product is brought to market, the profit margin is based on a simple formula of the cost of goods sold vs. the dollar amount for which an item can be sold.