The Right Thing and the Right Way

The Right Thing and the Right Way

As a young man, I was taught that a gentleman never discusses religion or politics in polite company.
Response Time

Response Time

Response time is an important issue for fire departments. We are in a business where, on occasion, seconds count.
Offsetting Fuel Costs

Offsetting Fuel Costs

I am so glad I retired! No, really! Don’t get me wrong. I miss “most” of the members of my department.
CAD: Is Your System Universal?

CAD: Is Your System Universal?

With phrases such as interoperability and data-sharing mentioned daily within public safety organizations, when is it justified to operate different dispatch systems for different incident types? Should one system be generic enough for law enforcement, fire, and EMS?
APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Park Ridge (NJ) Fire Department replaced an older rear-mounted platform with a PIERCE aerial ladder

APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Park Ridge (NJ) Fire Department replaced an older rear-mounted platform with a PIERCE aerial ladder

The Park Ridge (NJ) Fire Department replaced an older rear-mounted platform with a PIERCE aerial ladder.
Pediatric Seizures: Routine or Danger in Disguise?

Pediatric Seizures: Routine or Danger in Disguise?

At 2:24 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon, paramedics and an engine company are dispatched to a “child not breathing.” Dispatch reports a hysterical female caller reporting her seven-year-old son unresponsive and possibly not breathing.
More than generation defines a “firefighter”

More than generation defines a “firefighter”

Thanks to Editor in Chief Robert Halton for “With the Deepest Respect” (Editor’s Opinion, October 2008).