Bobby Halton

We Will Survive

There are risks to firefighting, writes Bobby Halton, but there are rewards, too. By addressing the risks directly, we open up the path to those rewards.

Rotary Saws: Lessons Learned from Cutting Overhead Doors

With rotary saws, training lessons learned are essential. The article outlines the importance of knowing how and how not to use the rotary saw, including lessons learned from past incidents.

Energy Storage System Installations: Fire Service Awareness

Over the past couple of years, we have experienced failures in battery systems in Europe, Asia, and here in the United States. The fire service can prepare for these incidents and be proactive.

Training: A Method of Risk Reduction in the Volunteer Fire Service

Joe Nedder explains how a continuous top-quality training program in volunteer fire departments serves as a risk-management program in that it can prevent injuries and save lives.
Company Association News

Company/Association News: May 2020

Read some developments regarding fire service companies and manufacturers, as seen in the May 2020 issue of Fire Engineering.

Exterior Water Application: Influence of Nozzle Positioning and Pressure

Pablo J. Boj García reviews the technique of applying water from the exterior in a structure fire and reports on test results achieved when varying the position of the nozzle and water pressure.

Products/Services/Media: May 2020

Check out some fire service-related products, services, and media from the May 2020 issue of Fire Engineering.