Firefighter searching along a wall

Primary Search: Focus on the Floor

Search operations are a race against time to save lives. Mark van der Feyst reviews some considerations for firefighters when it comes to training primary search.
Fire conditions of structure

Survivable Space: Not Our Decision

Robert Ricci discusses the decision-making processes firefighters must employ and the difference between survivability and searchability.
30 fires you must know

30 Fires You Must Know Now Available for Preorder

30 Fires You Must Know offers an unprecedented examination of 30 significant fires that have deeply impacted the fire service over the past few decades.
FDNY firefighters respond to second alarm fire in Queens

FDNY Crews Control Two-Alarm Queens Fire in Excessive Heat

FirstOnScenePhotos shared some images of New York City firefighters operating at the scene of a recent house fire in Queens.
Firefighters on roof at Passaic fire

Void Spaces in Private Dwelling Contribute to Fire Extension

James Kovacs reviews a December 2023 structure fire in Passaic, New Jersey, that underscores the need for firefighters to recognize problematic building construction features.
Firefighters on roof performing vertical ventilation

Operating in Unison

Proper training and prior experiences can help you learn when, where, and how to perform proper firefighting operational tactics.
Firefighting tools in different pockets of PPE

The Tactical Firefighter

Mark van der Feyst identifies some simple ways firefighters can prepare to be more effective and efficient with their actions on the fireground.
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